Corporate well-being & in-office massage

Want to boost morale? Of course you do!

Mindfullness and wellbeing

Mindfulness and well-being are vital in today’s busy workplace – and we all have a responsibility to ensure our staff members receive the TLC they deserve.

So, help relieve stress and ease office-based tension with our targeted, 10-minute, de-stressing and energising, over-the-clothes in office massage treatments.

By allowing your team to step away from their desks and disconnect, you’re giving them chance to recharge minds and boost motivation. You’ll be increasing productivity too; who wouldn’t say ‘yes’ to that?!

Did you know we also offer corporate yoga, reflexology and mindfulness workshops?

Invite us into your space and you’ll be so glad you did.

In office massage therapy

We deliver our in-office massage treatments from Acupressure Massage Chairs – there’ll be no oils, no disrobing and no fuss.

in office Massage chairs

You’ll receive a bespoke online booking grid – and we can deliver our service as a company-run initiative, or on a part-pay or self-pay basis.

Corporate wellbeing

Whatever works best for you and your company – it’s all designed to make your job – and your employees’ life at work – a breeze.

With such a long heritage in the wellness space, you can more than put your trust in our team to deliver a slick, professional in-office massage or workplace service.

What our clients say

  • Today has been a great success - everyone enjoyed their sessions and said how great their therapists were.

    Coca Cola

  • Your team were fantastic! Thank you again, to you all, for your professionalism.

    Air France

  • Everyone loves you here!


  • A note to thank you for organizing everything so quickly. Your therapists were lovely to host. We will book again for sure…maybe with yoga next time!